14-year-old Overbrook boy helps elderly woman who was cutting her lawn with scissors

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When 14 year old Noble Brigham mows his front lawn, he usually does it without a Fox 29 camera trailing him.

But today, we wanted to watch, since we missed him on Monday, when he mowed another lawn.

We can't show it to you, because the lawn's owner is kind of embarrassed about the whole thing.

But we can tell you how it came to be, starting with a community email from Philly Magazine reporter Victor Fiorillo, who lives nearby, writing, "Anyone have a kid with a lawnmower who wants to make a little cash today? When I left my house today, I saw the elderly woman on the block cutting her lawn with scissors."

Turns out, the 80-plus year old woman was beside herself, because her lawn service had been a no-show for weeks.

Mary Allen spotted the email.

"An elderly lady who was out cutting her grass with a scissors, it was a small lawn, and I immediately thought of Noble."

The 9th grader lives across the street. Noble jumped at the chance.

"So I mowed the lawn. And I had some trouble on the hill. And the mower died a couple times because the grass was very high.

The woman was so appreciative, and handed Noble 20 bucks. Which he refused. Over and over again.

"She tried to pay me, and I said that I didn't want the money, that I was just doing a neighborly thing.

Noble's mom said, "It made me feel very proud that he didn't even think twice about it."

That Philly Magazine reporter posted the story on Facebook, and the accolades just kept on coming. This straight-A honors students is surprised by all the attention, but is philosophical in his response.

"I guess with all of the bad news right now with the shootings and everything, the whole political mess, it's refreshing to have some nice wholesome news."