What is the fallout for the White House following Manafort and Cohen convictions?

Former federal prosecutor Jacob Frenkel, now Chair of Government Investigations at Dickinson Wright says the eight charges against Paul Manafort is a "win" for federal prosecutors. Prosecutors could file to retry on charges declared "mistrial." He says charges on Manafort and Cohen could mean trouble for President Donald Trump.

Paul Manafort found guilty of 8 charges

Paul Manafort, the longtime political operative who for months led Donald Trump's successful presidential campaign, was found guilty of eight financial crimes Tuesday in the first trial victory of the special counsel investigation into the president's associates.

Judge in Virginia lets case against Manafort move forward

A federal judge in Virginia rejected a bid by President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, to throw out charges in the special counsel's Russia investigation, clearing the way for a much-anticipated trial to start as scheduled next month.

RUSSIA PROBE: Dutch lawyer gets 30 days in prison

A Dutch attorney who lied to federal agents investigating former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was sentenced Tuesday to 30 days in prison in the first punishment handed down in special counsel's Russia investigation.