Ravens partnership puts girls flag football front and center in Montgomery County Public Schools
BETHESDA, Md. (FOX 5 DC) - The Baltimore Ravens are expanding their partnership with Maryland public high schools to advance girls' flag football.
Montgomery County Public Schools is set to become one of the latest Maryland counties to pilot flag football.

Their partnership with the Ravens will provide grant funding that will cover the cost of equipment and supply Under Armour uniforms for all 25 MCPS high schools for the Fall 20-24 season, an act that, according to Director of Systemwide Athletics, Dr. Jeffrey Sullivan, will assist the school district with their continued goals of ensuring equity in athletics.
"We look at girls flag as a starting point for this sport in Montgomery County, Sullivan told FOX 5. "This is step one, and we look forward to continuing to celebrate the explosion in popularity and participation in girls' athletics."

In addition to Montgomery County, the Ravens have committed grant funding to 10 public high schools in Baltimore County, and six public high schools in Washington County, while continuing to support the 10 Frederick County high schools that will be entering year two of the program.