Virginia couple adopts after viral pro-life post telling expectant mothers not to get abortion

The Thomas family: Blake, 31, Sarah, 30, Kayden, 3, and Elliott, 1. (Stephanie Parker Photography)
FOX NEWS - A Virginia couple who went viral earlier this year with their pro-life plea to pregnant women has had their dreams answered.
Blake and Sarah Thomas, of Radford, posted a photo on Facebook about nine months ago pleading expectant mothers to not have an abortion.
“Please don’t abort. We will adopt your baby!” a sign in the photo said.
They had posted the image in response to the passing of a New York bill on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade that legalizes abortion up to birth in many cases.
"We believe as Christians that we are called to love and care for orphans," Sarah Thomas told Fox News recently.
Soon after the post went viral, the Thomas’ agreed to adopt a child, but that fell through. To their surprise and joy, the mother decided to keep and parent the baby.
However, their wishes of taking a child in were answered, and they told Fox News they are in the process of adopting an 11-year-old boy from Bulgaria.
"We recently felt God burdening our hearts for older orphans, specifically boys who statistically are the least likely to be adopted," Sarah Tomas said. "We're so excited to meet him and we're amazed by how God has already filled our hearts with love for this boy on the other side of the world that we've never met."
This child won’t be the first entering their family through adoption.
"God has given us a heart for the fatherless and 3 years into our marriage we were convicted of our selfishness in waiting for children and obeyed God's calling to become foster parents," Sarah Thomas said.
The Thomas family – who have a 1-year-old biological son – have also adopted Kayden, 3, through the foster care. They described him as a “blessing and such a joy.”
The Virginia couple said dozens of mothers reach out to them, saying they decided to keep their babies after their post on Facebook was shared over 17,000 times.
"I'm Facebook friends with many of the mothers that contacted me back in January and my Facebook is covered with baby pictures right now which makes me so happy!" Sarah Thomas said, but she has received heartbreaking messages, too.
One woman wrote to her: "I wish I had seen your post before I aborted. I would’ve given my daughter the life she deserved, away from her abusive father instead of deciding her fate."