Sea turtle mating seasons shuts down the lights along the coast

It's lights out for those along the coast, as sea turtle nesting season has begun.

Sea turtle nesting season began on May 1st and will last until October 31st. During this time, no artificial light sources can be visible from or illuminate the beach at night.

According to the Sea Turtle Preservation Society, artificial lights can discourage female turtles from nesting on the beach and can cause hatchlings to become disoriented.

Property owners along the coast show must abide by various ordinances and make sure their light fixtures are positioned, shielded, or modified so that any light sources or reflective surfaces are not visible by someone standing on the beach.

There are several ways to reduce the amount of light coming from inside a home or business, which include moving lamps and other moveable fixtures away from windows, using blinds and curtains, turning off unnecessary lights, and applying window tint. Property owners should also recheck their lighting, even if they were in compliance last year.

Beach goers are also requested to not dig holes in the sand above the high tide line. Digging can destroy nests and trap nesting sea turtles and hatchlings. Any holes dug below the high tides must be covered.

Due to past complications, Brevard County has very few instances of individuals not complying with city ordinances.

If you have any questions, please call Sea Turtle Preservation Society at 321-676-1701 or email us at