President Trump ban on transgender troops: What happens to current transgender soldiers?
WASHINGTON - Any day now, the White House is expected to pass along a formal memo directing the Defense Department to enact President Donald Trump's ban on transgender members of the military.
The ball on the president's plan began to roll in the form of an early morning series of tweets in late July, citing the purported cost and burden that transgender troops are causing the Defense Department.
Trump said he made the decision after "consultation with my generals and military experts." Because the initial proclamation came in the form of tweets, military leaders resisted any change in current policy until they received official documentation from the White House.
Multiple sources say the White House will direct Defense Secretary James Mattis to begin the implementation of the ban within six months, though there has been no announcement or timetable released so far.
On FOX 5's "5@6:30," Will Fischer of, which opposes the ban, joined Shawn Yancy and Jim Lokay to discuss the move and where it may leave the transgendered troops who are currently serving.