Mother dying of cancer to leave 4-year-old daughter greeting cards to mark her future milestones

A Wisconsin mother dying of cancer is determined to stay in her 4-year-old daughter's life long after she is gone.

35-year-old Heather McManamy has been fighting breast cancer since 2013. After being given a terminal diagnosis in 2014, she began to think about her daughter's life without her.

"I will do anything and everything to be here for my daughter and my husband," she told ABC News.

So she set out writing greeting cards for her toddler Brianna that she would be able to read as she grows up and accomplishes goals in life.

"I did them from when she's older or younger - random encouragement, bad day, wedding, driver license, even first breakup," McManamy said.

So far she has completed 40 cards and has taped several videos for Brianna.

"Every one of these that I get to hand out in person will be an accomplishment."