Mom and mom's boyfriend in court following baby death in stove

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The mother of a baby who was burned to death as well as her boyfriend have each been arrested and charged with four counts of child endangerment.

The 25-year-old mom Racqual Thompson, who is currently eight and half months pregnant, and her boyfriend, 21-year-old Cornell Malone, didn't really have much of an expression as the judge spoke to them at their probable cause hearing on Tuesday.

Police said that the couple had left the kids alone in the apartment while they went out for dinner.

Officers reported that a 19-month old baby had been severely burned to death, her body lifeless, by the oven.
Court documents show the mom, who lives with her boyfriend, had left her four children at home alone.
The judge spoke briskly to them at their probable cause hearing.

"Each of you all have warrants out for your arrest or endangering the children. One of those bonds is $30,000. The other three are set at $2000," said the judge.

They are each looking at four counts of endangering a child, one count for each child who was left alone in the house when the death happened.

Officials say Thompson left her kids alone in their northeast Houston apartment while she went out with Malone for pizza for about two hours.

There were four kids in the house -- a five-year-old girl, a three-year-old boy, another three-year-old girl and a 19 month old baby girl, named J'zyra Thompson.

CPS officials said the three-year-old boy admitted he put the 19-month-old baby in the oven, where she burned to death.

Now, the kids have been placed in foster care, and the mom and boyfriend are in jail, waiting for their next court appearance on Monday.

A Child Protective Services official said the mother has an extensive record.