High school choir teacher asked for nude photos from 16-year-old boy in Virginia: Sheriff

Craig Alexander Smith, 47

A high school choir teacher in Virginia has been arrested, authorities say, for giving a 16-year-old boy a cell phone and asking for nude photos. 

The Culpeper County Sheriff's Office arrested 47-year-old Craig "Alex" Smith on Tuesday after the mother of the teenager reported that a Culpeper County High School teacher was possibly grooming her son for sexual activity, and had given him a cell phone. The mom was also concerned that Smith was giving her son rides home from work.

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Authorities say Smith, who is currently working in the summer school program, cooperated in discussing the allegations with deputies and admitted to providing the cell phone to the 16-year-old in addition to asking him for nude photos. 


Smith was appointed as the CCHS choir teacher in 2022. Culpeper County Public Schools issued a statement saying they are aware of the arrest of Mr. Smith and they are "completely cooperative in this investigation."

Smith was taken to Culpeper County Jail on a $2,000 secured bond. Deputies ask that anyone with information about other victims or incidents contact the Sheriff’s Office at 540-727-7520.