#FlipForACure: Cheerleader's challenge to support pediatric cancer

TAMPA (FOX 13) - "#FlipForACure". It's a social media challenge launched by a young Bay area cheerleader to bring attention to pediatric brain cancer and raise funds for the cause.
Sydney Gad, 12, says she set out on this mission after she watched a peer, 10-year-old Gabriella Miller, lose her battle with brain cancer.
"A girl in my brother's 4th grade class was diagnosed with brain cancer recently. I want to live in a world where brain cancer can be cured. I want to be the one who raises enough money so doctors can do more research," she wrote in a caption on social media.
The caption appears alongside a video that tells Gabriella's whole story. It explains how Gabriella fought her hardest to beat her disease, but sadly passed away in October of 2013.
Now, Sydney is challenging people to help change the outcome for children with cancer in the future by "flipping" to find a cure.
The competitive tumbler already hosted a #FlipForACure event at the Florida State Fairgrounds last Sunday- where she did 165 flips and raised $6,000 for childhood brain cancer research- but her efforts don't stop there.
Online, she's challenging others to record themselves doing a flip, cartwheel, or roll of their own. Then she's urging them to make a donation to Gabriella's cause- the Smashing Walnuts Organization - and then challenge someone else to keep it going.
Scroll down for videos!
Sydney already reached Miguel and Holly from Hot 101.5's 'The Miguel Show', who accepted her challenge, recorded themselves cartwheeling, and passed it on to FOX 13's own Taylor Katz.
The ball is now rolling. Can you #keep it going and #FlipForACure?
Click here for more information on Flip for a Cure, and here for a direct link to Sydney's online fundraiser.
See some #FlipForACure examples below:
Watch this video I made to understand what Flip for a cure is All About... It is about 4 minutes.
#FlipForACure 12-year-old Sydney Gad of Tampa is a competitive cheerleader who is trying to make a BIG difference by raising money for pediatric cancer research. What can you do to help? FLIP FOR A CURE!Video yourself doing a flip (cartwheel, roll, tuck, whatever you can do!)Post it to social mediaTag your friendsDONATE to the Smashing Walnuts Foundation! The Smashing Walnuts Foundation strives to raises awareness of pediatric cancer and to raise funds to support research to find cures for pediatric brain cancer. www.smashingwalnuts.org. The Miguel Show is calling out FOX 13's Taylor Katz to Flip for a Cure!
#FlipForACure! Here it is! I have officially accepted my challenge from The Miguel Show to raise funds and awareness for pediatric brain cancer! I now challenge FOX 13's Jennifer Epstein and FOX 13's Alcides Segui to do the same....But that doesn't mean you all can't do it too! Just post a video of you "flipping" (cartwheeling, somersaulting, tucking- whatever works for you!), then donate to the Smashing Walnuts Organization and challenge a friend to do the same! Bravo to Sydney Gad, the young Bay area cheerleader who started this challenge after one of her peers past away to cancer. Together, we can all make a difference Posted by FOX 13's Taylor Katz on Tuesday, October 20, 2015