AFD releases 911 Halloween flood calls, prepares for more rain

AUSTIN, Texas-- The Austin Fire Department released phone calls from the Halloween flood event as they prepare for more rain through Saturday.

The fire department said they are ready in the event of more heavy rain in central Texas. AFD has created a list of preparations that include all members being trained in basic swift water rescue.

AFD has 13 ladder trucks to carry equipment that allows them to handle water rescues-- utilizing their ladders to reach out to 100 feet from a roadway, officials said.

According to AFD, five Special Operations stations-- located around the city-- are available, and they consist of nine companies and 36 firefighters who are on duty 24/7. All firefighters are trained Swiftwater Rescue Technicians. Officials said they operate five front-line rescue boats and can add an additional three rescue boats and six evacuation boats if needed.

AFD says they also have five Brush Trucks, or high-clearance vehicles, ready to go if needed. They remind the public to stay safe during heavy rain. Turn Around, Don't Drown.

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