Girl reunites with APD father in between protests in Atlanta

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Police officers across the country have been working extra hard to serve and protect their communities following a devastating week of officer-involved shootings.

Last Thursday, five police officers were shot and killed at a protest in Dallas and seven others were injured. The shooter, Micah Johnson, 25, was angry with the recent deaths of African-American men in police shootings in Minnesota and Louisiana.

Tensions between police and citizens across the United States have since been running high. Here in Atlanta, thousands of marchers have taken part in rallies for the last four nights, speaking out against police violence.

As a result, police officers have been working overtime, including Atlanta Police Department Motorman Jesse Medlock.

Medlock's wife, Amanda, shared a touching picture with us of her husband sharing a sweet moment with his young daughter. The photo shows Medlock in uniform on his motorcycle, receiving a much-needed kiss from his little girl, Ryann. The 3-year-old was seeing her dad off to work, hoping for a safe return.

"He got called into work Thursday while out with her," Amanda Medlock told FOX 5. "He called me Saturday after working through the night with all the protesters. He was so exhausted but just wanted to be able to see her for a little bit before having to go back into work."

Mrs. Medlock said her husband, a member of APD since 2013, has been working through his off days that he would normally get to spend with his family.

"Ryann was extremely excited to finally get to see her daddy since she hasn't been able to for the past few days," Medlock said. "She is definitely a daddy's girl."

The Atlanta protests have remained relatively peaceful, with the total number of arrests so far being in the low double digits. Another protest is planned for Monday night.