5 biggest myths about getting pregnant

As we began writing this book, The Whole Life Fertility Plan, and started asking patients, colleagues and friends what kind of questions they wanted answered, we realized there are so many myths out there that really need to be debunked. So not only is our book a guide for women and their families to understand what impacts fertility, but it's a rich resource of truth.

Not only is it important to understand how age is crucial when it comes to eggs, but it is also important to understand how what you put in your body has an effect on conceiving. It's also crucial to understand what reproductive options exist for those who have trouble making a baby, and how to navigate all of this in order to come up with your own personalized plan to start a family.

Within all this essential information, one must be aware of rumors, myths and truths.

Here are 5 myths you should be aware of as you begin the baby making process:

1. A woman's weight doesn't affect fertility.


- 1 in 8 infertility patients have low body fat or overexercise.

-1 in 4 infertility patients are overweight.

-If the your BMI (Body Mass Index) is not in proper range, you can stop ovulating.

2. Raising your legs, standing on your head after sex gives you a better chance of getting pregnant.


- Sperm are already meeting their destiny by the time you are finished with intercourse. Certain sex positions don't help your chances either, but keep the Kama Sutra going and have fun! As long as you're in the right orifice, you are solid.

3. Fatty foods are fine for fertility.


-There are good fats and bad fats. Avocado, nuts and olives are great for greasing the biological rails. But bad fats like bagels, pizza, pastries, and anything fried can impact conception. While bacon, sausage and other processed meats are shown to impact sperm, studies are inconclusive when it comes to infertility. Eat plenty of fish instead.

4. You need to have sex everyday to get pregnant.


-Sex everyday, or multiple times a day, doesn't actually boost your chances of making a baby.

-Men need to rest, so their sperm has time to build up again. Also, make sure you make your woman happy, as a woman's orgasm can help pull the sperm into the cervix and closer to the egg. Orgasms also help a woman relax, which is always a plus when trying to conceive.

5. Smoking, alcohol and drugs won't affect your fertility.


- Smoking is the same as feeding poison to your eggs, it kills them off. Smoking also speeds up menopause.

-Alcohol puts stress on the liver and the liver impacts your hormones. Limit yourself to 3 drinks a week.

-Recreational drugs have a much worse effect on a men's sperm than a woman's reproductive system, but heavy pot smoking impacts a woman's period.

READ MORE: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2015/02/04/5-biggest-myths-about-getting-pregnant/?intcmp=features