Psychological benefits of being a middle child on National Middle Child Day

Happy Middle-Child Day! People tend to forget the surprising benefits that come with being a middle child.

Whether you are a middle child yourself or have a sibling who is, middle children have long been suspect of Middle Child Syndrome.

Middle Child Syndrome is not entirely a myth, as University of Redlands' psychology Professor Dr. Catherine Salmon found that middle children do lose out on undivided time and attention from parents.

But rather than negatively affecting them, Salmon found they are ultimately better off for having greater independence.

There are a plethora of other positive psychological effects of being a middle child.

Middle children are the best at cooperating in groups, according to a 1966 study in the Journal of Genetic Psychology. Perhaps they grow accustomed to acting as the mediator between their older and younger siblings.

Researchers at Madrid found that middle children also less likely to develop emotional disorders or be diagnosed with ADHD than their siblings.

Even further, a Texas Christian University study found that middle children are the most well-adjusted and the least likely to act out.

They are most likely to stay faithful in relationships and ultimately happier in their relationships with both partners and friends, according to a study published in the Journal of Individual Psychology.

Middle children may receive less attention from their parents compared to children born first and last, but it ultimately doesn't adversely affect their relationships as adults or their likelihood for success.