Mom and daughter share adorable conversation about stretchmarks, positive body image

Frank Somerville posted about Allison Kimmey and her daughter. The conversation they had was promoting positive body image.

Here's what he wrote:

"They just had an adorable conversation about her stretch marks. And Allison said I could share it.

Here's what she wrote and why she said it was so important to talk to her daughter about what she calls her 'glitter stripes.'

Today while I was laying at the pool with my daughter:

Her: 'Why is your tummy big mama?'
Me: 'What do you mean baby?'

Her: 'These lines, mama.'
(Pointing to stretch marks on my tummy)
Me: 'Oh those are my stretch marks!'

Her: "Where do they come from?"

Me: 'Well when I was a little older than you, I got some stripes when I grew really fast! And some of these stripes are from when I had you growing in my tummy.'

Her: looking inquisitively

Me: 'They are shiny and sparkly, aren't they pretty?'
Her: 'Yes, I like this one the best, it's so glittery. When can I get some?'

Me: 'Oh you will get your glitter stripes when you get a little bit older baby!'

They are listening.
They are asking.
And it is up to YOU to help them shape how they will feel about these things!

Will you continue the shame that society has placed on you?
Or will you teach her a new way of love?

I choose love 💕 💕 💕
Just do you


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