Border collies used to rid parts of the National Mall of geese

Tourists on the National Mall may have a few less geese to dodge in the future. Starting Thursday, the National Park Service is bringing in border collies to corral those big birds.

After the park service spent $32 million to fix the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool, the new pumps and filters were getting gunked up with too much goose poop.

So they have called in the geese police to make this area seem a little less friendly.

Canada geese can become quite a nuisance. Not only are they aggressive at times, but one goose can leave behind two to three pounds of droppings a day.

The National Park Service said it is more than just an ugly mess, but it could become a public health hazard too.

How does it work? Geese Police owner Dave Marcks said it comes down to the wolf eye -- an intimidating stare that tells the geese to move on.

The border collies are brought out at different times for several weeks -- always following commands of their trainers.

There are only two things she cares about -- where I am and where I'm sending her.

"It works because they perceive the dog as a threat, not a nuisance," said Marcks. "You put cardboard cutlets, lights -- they might work the first time. If lights worked, I'd have a truck full of lights. But I'm glad it's dogs because I love my job. I love the dogs and they work."

Though the technique is called "hazing," the park service wants to be clear that the geese are never touched or harmed in the process.

It is a partnership that they hope will keep the National Mall calm and clean.

The contract is a one-year deal with the option for a four-year extension if the park service is happy with the results.